Here are a just a few of the many projects we’ve completed over the years.
First Congregational Church, Old Lyme, CT
44.4 kW - Major Components of the System include 136 Sunpower 327 solar panels and 2 SMA Tripower inverters
This system was installed on a east and west facing roof not ideal for solar, but due to the low pitch of the roof the electrical output from the solar panels is cost effective. The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme worked with a local finance company that actually purchased the system from us and sells the electricity to the Church. In this strategy the Church does not have to come up with the capital to pay for the solar project. They are able to pay monthly bills based on the electricity produced.
The company maximized their investment by taking advantage of ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding. The ARRA funding was only available for a short period of time and provided a lump sum to offset the initial upfront cost of the system. Since 2011 the customer has installed additional small commercial solar systems with us; in 2013 a 130 kW and in 2016 another 126 kW system. Both of these solar projects were awarded ZREC (Zero Emissions Renewable Energy Credits) contracts with Eversource. Essentially the client has a 15 year revenue stream from the sale of REC’s to the utilities.
TGC III Residential Roof Solar Installation
7.2 kW - Major components of the system include 24 LG 300 watt and 1 SMA 7000US
Estimated annual production 7,686 kwh annual/Actual production of system 9000 kwh annual
The customer used a Smart E loan to finance this solar system. They were able to get a rate of 2.99% from the bank by financing two energy conservation projects; solar and insulation. The system was eligible for both a federal 30-percent tax credit and a rebate for the CT Green Bank. After calculating their average monthly electric bill, monthly loan payments and oil savings they are essentially leasing to own their own solar system and insulation for $11/month for the life of the 10 years loan. Once the loan is paid off there is only savings from the electricity produced for the solar panels and offsetting their electric usage.